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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Renewal Notices

By: Carl Holland
Carl's Words of Inspiration

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

We’ve all received junk mail. You know… those unsolicited sale papers, credit card offers, and home refinancing deals the postal carrier stuffs your mailbox with. And with today’s electronic age there’s the spam that fills your email inbox. Amid all the clutter there are the more important things like bills, those friendly reminders from your creditors that you owe them money. Many of us also get renewal notices. I receive a birthday present from the state every year; renewal notices for the tags and taxes on my vehicles. I receive notices from my veterinarian to renew the immunizations for my pets. There are also renewal notices for such things as our licenses, membership cards, and car insurance to help us keep those things from expiring.

Unfortunately, we don’t get renewal notices in the mail for the most important things in life. We don’t get a reminder to renew our love for our spouse, and if we forget, they may remind us in a not-so-pleasant way. Nor do we get a notice to renew our love in our relationships with our children or our friends. If that love goes unrenewed, it may end up going cold.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

We do, however, have a constant renewal notice from God. It’s called the Bible. Don’t let it get lost amongst all the junk. God has called us to a relationship with Him. It is the most important relationship we can ever have. He has called us to renew that relationship daily. When we are in a right relationship with God, it will flow out into our relationships with others. How up-to-date is your relationship with Him? Is it a little overdue and in need of renewal?

Get with God today and renew that relationship. Let him clean your heart, renew your spirit, and renew your mind; transforming you day by day more into his likeness. Let your relationship with and love for God spill over into your relationships with those around you. Renew those relationships that need it. Let your spouse, your children, and your friends know that you love them, and most importantly, that God loves them too.
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