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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Holy Fishing

This is a joke I heard many years ago and I know it's been posted all over the place in one variation or another, but I like it, so I thought I'm post it on my own blog, too.  Hey, God has a sense of humor... just look at the Duck-Billed Platypus!  Well, here goes...

There was a Baptist preacher and a Catholic priest who liked to go fishing together a lot.  One day they invited a Jewish rabbi to go out in the boat fishing with them.  After a while, the preacher said, "I gotta make a nature call.  I'll be right back."  He hopped out of the right side of the boat, walked over to the shore, "answered the call of nature," then walked back, got in the boat, and continued fishing.  A while later the priest had to go too, so he hopped out of the right side of the boat, walked to shore, "answered nature," then walked back to continue fishing.  A while later the rabbi has to go, too.  He thought to himself, "well, if these guys can walk on water," hopped out of the left side of the boat, and sank.  As they are helping the rabbi back into the boat, through his tears of laughter the preacher says to the priest, "you think we should have told him where the rocks are?"
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